慢公司 37signals 的 37 个信条

37signals 是个什么公司 ?

37signals 是一家私人控股的网络应用公司,总部设在美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥市。它由 Jason Fried、Ernest Kim 和 Carlos Segura 于 1999 年创立。

37signals 的使命是“帮助人们更好地工作”。该公司专注于开发简单、专一的软件,以帮助用户协同工作和组织团队。

37signals 的主要产品包括:


37signals 的产品在全球拥有数百万用户,包括 Airbnb、Spotify、Evernote 等知名公司。

37signals 还以其独特的企业文化而闻名。该公司倡导“慢公司”的理念,即专注于质量而不是数量。37signals 的员工主要采用远程办公,并享有灵活的工作时间。

37signals 出版了两本畅销书《Getting Real》和《Rework》,其中阐述了该公司的创业理念和哲学。



1An obligation to independence We have no investors, no board of directors, no eyes on an exit. We feel a moral obligation to exercise our independence. To do things no one would give us permission to do. To try things other companies would be afraid to try. To skip safe, and go for original.独立的义务 独立的义务,主要是说公司的情况. 我们没有投资者、没有董事会 也不考虑退出, 保持独立性是我们的一个义务, 这样才能够去做我们想做的事情, 做其他公司不敢做的事情, 而不用征得别人的允许.
2Work isn’t war Corporate language is filled with metaphors of war. Companies “conquer” the market, they “capture” mindshare, they “target” customers, they employ a sales “force”, they hire “head-hunters”, they “destroy” the competition, they pick their “battles”, and make a “killing”. That’s an awful paradigm and we want nothing to do with it. Work isn’t war. We come in peace.工作不是战争 企业经常会用一些充满了战争隐喻的词汇, 比如说征服市场, 占领份额,瞄准客户,雇佣销售力量, 聘请猎头, 摧毁竞争对手,等等. 这是一个糟糕的范例. 我们不想与之有任何关系. 工作不是战争,我们和平而来.
3Small teams You can do big things with small teams, but it’s hard to do small things with big teams. And small is often plenty. That’s the power of small — you do what needs to be done rather than overdoing it.小团队 小团队可以干大事. 但是大团队很难做小事. 而且通常小团队就够用了. 这就是小的力量. 只做需要做的,无需过度浪费.
4Profit motive The tech industry is especially good at losing money. Growth is electric, but profits are elusive. We take an old school, economics 101 approach: Make more than you spend. That’s why we’ve been profitable every year we’ve been in business. It’s the responsible way to be reliable and take care of customers over the long haul.利润驱动 科技行业特别擅长亏损,增长迅猛,利润却难以捉摸. 我们采用了传统经济学的理论. 收入要超过支出. 这就是为什么我们每一年的经营都是盈利的, 这是一种对客户负责任的方式, 可以在长期时间内可靠地服务好客户.
5Err on the side of do The tendency to put off, push away, or otherwise delay is strong. No. Act and move on. And act again if you have to — most decisions are temporary, anyway.行胜于言 人们往往有拖延症, 我们应该立即动手,如果必要, 就再干一次. 反正大多数的决策都缺乏远见.
6Shape Up every six Shape Up is a methodology we invented to help software teams design, develop, and ship excellent software every six weeks without burning out. Why six? It’s long enough to make meaningful progress, but short enough that you can see the end from the beginning. Plus it gives you about eight chances a year to recalibrate and decide what to work on next. Here’s our free book on it.介绍ShapeUP方法 帮助软件团队每6周设计、开发和交付优秀的软件. 也就是一个迭代. 详细方法见下文.
7We don’t sell you They say that if you don’t pay for what you use, then you’re the one that’s for sale. Not here. We don’t sell customer data to anyone, and we don’t use personal information to place targeted advertising either. We make a product, people pay for that product, end of transaction. Our business model is selling products, not selling you.卖产品,不卖用户 有人说, 如果你不为你使用的东西付费, 那么被卖的就是你. 我们不这样做. 我们不向任何人出售客户数据. 我们也不使用个人信息进行目标广告投放. 我们生产产品,人们为产品付费, 然后交易完成. 我们的商业模式就是卖产品. 而不是卖用户.
88/8/8 8 hours for work, 8 hours for life, 8 hours of sleep. That’s a fair formula. It’s not work/life balance — it’s work/life/sleep balance. A lack of sleep isn’t a badge of honor, it’s a mark of stupidity — literally. Go read Matthew Walker’s Why We Sleep.3个8 8小时工作,8小时生活,8小时睡眠. 这是一个公平的公式. 这不是工作/生活的平衡, 而是工作/生活/睡眠的平衡. 睡眠不足并不是荣誉的象征, 而是愚蠢的标志. 建议大家去读一下马修·沃克的《我们为什么睡觉》.
9NOTASAP The expectation of immediate response is everywhere. Real-time everything isn’t human-scale, yet that’s how so many work and communicate these days. Not us. We think urgency is overrated, and ASAP is poison. Real-time is the wrong time most of the time.拒绝实时 我们无时不在期望立即的回应. 虽然没必要所有事都是实时的, 但是这就是如今许多人的工作和交流方式. 我们不想这样做. 我们认为紧迫性被高估了, 而“尽快ASAP”是一剂毒药, 大多数时候,实时的要求是错误的.
10The Fortune 5,000,000 Companies are obsessed with battling for huge Fortune 500 customers. That’s boring. We’re more interested in the Fortune 5,000,000 — small and mid-sized companies just like us. They’re underserved, they’re ignored, and they don’t get the respect they deserve. We’re here for them.财富500万强的公司 许多公司都痴迷于争夺财富500强的客户. 那很无聊. 我们对财富500万强、像我们一样的中小型公司更感兴趣. 他们被忽视、被冷落, 没有得到应得的尊重. 我们为这些公司服务.
11Don’t emulate the office Work remotely, not locally apart. Don’t just have the same meetings on Zoom, have fewer meetings. Rather than discussing everything in real-time, communicate asynchronously instead. Rather than feel the need to know where everyone is, let go and trust more. Don’t try to emulate the office and everything it stands for — stand against it. We even wrote a book about it.不要效仿办公室 我们希望的是远程工作. 而不是在本地分开工作. 不要在Zoom上召开相同的会议, 而是要减少会议的数量. 与其实时讨论所有的事情, 不如异步的沟通. 与其觉得需要知道每个人在哪里, 不如放手并更多地信任他人. 不要试图效仿办公室及其所代表的一切, 而是应该反对它. 我们甚至写了一本跟它有关的书.
12Hours aren’t equal An hour isn’t an hour. It’s a collection of minutes that add up to an hour. And 60 uninterrupted minutes is a higher-quality hour than an hour chopped into four 15-minute sessions. Uninterrupted hours lead to quality time, quality work. Days chunked into tiny blocks of time are a terrible way to work.时间是不一样的 一小时并非就是一小时, 它是由许多个分钟累积而成的,60分钟连续构成的一小时, 质量要比被切割成四个15分钟的一小时高. 不被打断的时间, 可以带来更高质量工作, 将一天切割成很多小块的时间, 是一种很糟糕的工作方式.
13On repeat If you’re talking about something new or novel, you’ll have to repeat yourself for years before you’re heard.重复 如果你在谈论一些新的或者独特的事物, 你可能需要重复自己的观点多年, 才能被其他人听到.
14Meetings aren’t free Meetings are the last resort, not the first option. Five people in a room for an hour isn’t a one hour meeting, it’s a five hour meeting. How often was it worth that? Could you have just written it up instead? Be mindful of the costs and tradeoffs.开会的代价很昂贵 会议应该是最后的手段, 而不是第一选择. 五个人在一个房间里开一个小时的会, 这不是一个小时的会, 而是五个小时的会议. 这样的开会方式真的值得吗?是否可以用写个文档来代替?你需要注意开会的成本,并加以权衡.
15Bury the hustle Hustle mania, hustle porn, the grind, call it what you will. We call it insidious. There’s nothing glamorous about being totally rundown after weeks, months, or years of non-stop whatever-it-takes work. And pumping your mind full of anxiety about whether you’re getting enough, doing enough, or chasing enough is no way to live. Put in a good day’s work, close the damn laptop, and get on with life.拒绝焦虑 数周、数月或者数年, 不惜一切代价的不停工作, 把自己弄的完全精疲力竭, 并没有什么可以自豪的. 让你的大脑充满焦虑, 担心自己是否得到了足够、做到了足够或者追求的足够, 这不是我们想要的生活方式. 我们希望你能够投入一天的工作, 然后关上该死的笔记本电脑, 继续生活.
16The trap of marginal thinking If you need a machine and don’t buy it, then you will ultimately find that you have paid for it and don’t have it. (Henry Ford via Clayton Christensen)小心边缘思维的陷阱 如果你需要一台机器但是没买它, 那么你最终会发现你为它付了钱, 却没有得到它.
17Politicking We respect everyone’s right to participate in political expression and activism, but avoid having political debates on our internal communication systems at work. 37signals as a company does not weigh in on politics publicly, outside of topics directly related to our business.避免政治活动 我们尊重每个人参与政治表达和活动的权利, 但是避免在工作中, 在我们的内部沟通系统中进行政治辩论, 除了与我们业务直接相关的话题之外, 我们作为一家公司, 不会公开参与政治讨论.
18Two tokens of customer service When a customer brings a complaint, there are always two tokens on the table: “It’s no big deal” and “It’s the end of the world”. Both tokens are always played, so whoever chooses first forces the other to grab the token that’s left. Don’t force your customer into taking the “It’s the end of the world” one. (Read this story)客户服务的两枚硬币 当客户来投诉时, 桌上总是有两枚硬币, 一枚写着“这没什么大不了的”, 另一枚写着“这是世界末日”. 想象这两枚硬币总是会被使用, 所以谁先选择其中一枚, 谁就能迫使另一方拿起剩下的硬币, 不要逼客户拿起“这是世界末日”的那枚硬币.
19Pay people, not addresses Why do most companies cut your pay if you choose to move from San Francisco to Nashville? Companies hire people, they don’t hire mailing addresses. The same person produces the same work, no matter where they hang their hat. That’s why at 37signals, everyone in the same position gets paid the same, no matter where they live or who they are — anywhere in the world.向人员付费,而不是向地址付费 如果你选择从旧金山搬到纳什维尔, 为什么大多数公司会削减你的工资? 公司雇用的是人员, 而不是雇用的地址. 同一个人,五轮他在哪都能做出同样的作品, 这就是为什么在37signals, 相同职位的每个人都会获得相同的报酬, 无论他们住在哪里,或者他们是谁, 他们可以在世界的任何地方办公和生活.
20Small tech Big tech takes. Big tech snoops. Big tech targets. Big tech gouges. Big tech muscles. Big tech tramples. Big tech homogenizes. We’re for small tech.小的科技进步 大的科技进步需要索取、窥探、瞄准、剥削、展现力量、践踏, 使一切都同质化. 我们倡导小的科技进步.
21Know no “No” is no to one thing. “Yes” is no to a lot of things.知道拒绝 说“不”表示拒绝一件事情,而说“是”, 却表示拒绝很多事情.
22Stayups The world is obsessed with Startups. We prefer to champion Stayups — companies who’ve proven their worth, figured out their businesses, and strive to stick around for the long term. Companies that endure inspire confidence. Longevity isn’t a fluke. Along those lines, we’re proud that 2022 is our 23rd year in business.长期创业 人们痴迷于创业, 我们更愿意倾向于长期创业, 证明自己的价值、找到商业模式、并努力长期生存下去, 长期并非是一种侥幸, 能坚持长久的公司可以激发员工的信心, 我们为自己能在2022年, 迎来公司的第23个年头而感到骄傲.
23Thoughting vs. thinking Long-term planning is what you thought. Short-term planning is what you think.短期计划是你在想的事情 短期计划是你在想的事情.
24Fixed Here’s an easy way to launch on time and on budget: keep them fixed. Don’t throw more time, money, or people at a problem, just scale back the scope.固化 有个简单的方式, 能够确保事情在预定的时间和预算内完成, 那就是固化, 不要投入更多的时间、金钱或者人力, 只需要缩小范围, 固化下来.
25Disagree and commit Consensus is cozy, but broad agreement is not our aim. The right decision is. Which is why we take the time to think, debate, persuade, listen and reconsider and then, someone, decides. If you disagree, that’s fine, but once the decision is made, it’s time to commit and support it completely.不同意但是接受和投入 达成共识虽然很让人感觉欣慰, 但是达成广泛的一致意见, 并不是我们的目标,正确的决定才是, 这就是为什么我们会花时间去思考、辩论、说服、倾听和重新考虑. 最后要有人做出决定,如果你不同意, 没问题,但是一旦决定了, 就需要全力投入和支持它.
26Kick in the face, kick in the ass A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. Sometimes events that grind you to a halt are the ones that propel you forward. Adversity helps you grow antifragile.直面挫折,不要浪费每一次的危机 有的时候,那些让你受挫的事情, 反而会推动你前进. 逆境可以帮助你增强反脆弱性.
27Broadly speaking Between Basecamp and HEY, we have paying customers in over 160 countries, and our fully-remote team is spread out across five continents. Our perspective is increasingly global, and intentionally diversified against one worldview, one cultural lens, and one sociopolitical outlook.全球化,从Basecamp到HEY 我们的付费客户遍布160多个国家/地区, 我们完全远程的团队遍布世界五大洲, 我们的视角日益全球化, 并有意的让我们的世界观、文化视角和社会政治观多元化.
28Shots on goals The reason that most of us are unhappy most of the time is that we set our goals — not for the person we’re going to be when we reach them — we set our goals for the person we are when we set them. (Jim Coudal)目标 我们大多数人大多数时候不快乐的原因, 是因为我们设定了目标, 而不是为了实现目标后, 我们将成为什么样的人, 因此,我们为设定目标时的我们来设定目标.
29JOMO not FOMO Have you seen? Have you heard? What’s your take on? Can you believe? OMG that tweet. Read that story yet? Seen that video? Finish the second season yet? So much FOMO. We’d rather celebrate JOMO — the Joy of Missing Out. Life’s better when you’re missing the stuff that doesn’t matter anyway.享受错过而不是害怕错过 现在太多人会害怕错过某件事情, 比如错过一条推文, 错过一集电视剧, 我们宁愿庆祝和享受错过. 当你错过了那些本来就无关紧要的事情时, 生活会变得更加美好.
30Miscommunication problems Companies don’t have communication problems, they have miscommunication problems. The smaller the company, group, or team, the fewer opportunities for miscommunication. As Osmo Wiio said, “If communication can fail, it will. If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm.”沟通问题 公司没有沟通问题, 是人有沟通不畅的问题, 公司、组织或者团队越小, 沟通不畅的可能性就越少, 正如Osmo Wiio所说:“如果沟通可能会失败, 那就一定会失败, 如果一条信息可以用不同的方式来理解, 那么它就会以伤害最大的方式来理解.”
31Easy? Easy is a word people use to describe other people’s jobs. Be careful not to assume the things you don’t know or don’t routinely do are easy. Would it be fair to call what you do “easy”?容易? 很多人会经常用“容易”来描述其他人的工作, 不要假设你不熟悉、不常做的事情很容易, 你可以换位想象一下, 用“容易”来形容你所做的工作, 是否公平?
32Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails was invented here. It’s the free, open-source framework that runs powerhouses like Shopify, Coinbase, GitHub, Airbnb, Kickstarter, Square, Twitch, Basecamp, HEY. In fact, Basecamp is the first Ruby on Rails app ever. Rails continues to launch thousands of programming careers and has taken companies to millions of users and billions in market valuations.我们发明了Ruby on Rails 这是一个免费的开源框架, 运行着 Shopify、Coinbase、GitHub、Airbnb等等知名的大平台, 事实上,我们的Basecamp产品是第一个的Ruby on Rails应用程序, Rails带来了数千个编程岗位, 并且为其他公司带来了数百万用户和数十亿的市场估值.
33Planning is guessing Plans are guesses. The longer-term the plan, the worse the guess. Replace years with weeks. 3-year plan? Make it a 3-week plan. 10-year plan? 10-week plan. Plan more often, not less often. The nearer-term your plans, the more accurate they’ll be.计划就是猜测 越长期的计划,猜测的准确性就越差. 我们习惯用周来代替年, 这样3年计划就可以改成3周计划. 我们倾向于更频繁的计划, 而不是减少计划, 你计划的事情离得越近,就越准确.
34Sleep on it The end of the day has a way of convincing you what you’ve done is good, but the next morning has a way of telling you the truth. Even if you’re sure, sleep on it.睡一觉再说 一天忙碌的工作会让你坚信自己的判断和行动是对的, 但是等到第二天再回过来看, 更能看清楚真相, 所以即便你坚信,也睡一觉再说.
35Companies aren’t families When companies say they’re a family, it’s a veiled way of demanding total sacrifice. Nights, weekends, whatever it takes for, you know, “the family”. But great companies aren’t fake families — they’re allies of real families. They don’t eat into people’s personal time, they don’t ask people to dial-in during vacations, and they don’t push them to work Sundays to prep for the meeting on Monday.公司不是家 当公司声称自己是个家庭时, 往往掩饰着背后希望员工做出的全面牺牲, 可能是晚上或者周末, 无论需要什么,都是为了“家庭”. 好公司不会装成是家, 而是家的盟友, 我们不会侵占员工的个人时间.
36Context > consistency Following a formula can be comforting, but when it comes to design, we think designing around the current context is better than designing to satisfy prior consistency.上下文大于一致性 遵循已有的公式可能会让人感到安全, 但是在设计方面, 我们认为应当围绕当前的情况进行设计, 而不是非要跟之前的设计保持一致.
37What’s in a name? Mankind constantly analyzes radio waves from outer space in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Since this analysis started, almost all of the signal sources have been identified. 37 signals, however, remain unexplained.我们名字中的彩蛋 人类不断分析来自外太空的无线电波, 寻找外星智慧生命, 自从分析开始以来, 几乎所有的信号源都已经被识别, 但是,仍然有37个信号仍然无法解释, 所以我们叫37Signals.

Shape Up every six

Shape Up every six 是一种软件开发方法论,旨在帮助软件团队在六周内设计、开发和发布高质量的软件,同时避免过度工作。



Shape Up every six 的一些关键特点:

Shape Up every six 的优点包括:

Shape Up every six 的缺点包括:


